Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Bid VS Offer

Bid VS Offer 
Reading the quotes is easy. But if we do not understand can be confusing too. Quotes on forex transactions is usually written in conjunction with its pairs and always follow the market changes from time to time (running).

I read quite simple if we remember two things:

1. The first currency mentioned is the base currency (base or currency)

2. Base currency value is always 1.

For example: USD / CHF 1.4623 means that 1 U.S. dollar was worth 1.4623 Swiss Francs. If the dollar the next time a value of USD / CHF 1.4630 means that the U.S. dollar rose 7 points because they can buy more Swiss Franc.

Each pairs there are two price displayed is the purchase price (bid) and selling price (offer). The difference between them is called the spread. So, if we use the example above, USD / CHF 1.4623/28 that means the purchase price is 1.4623 U.S. Dollar Swiss Franc and the selling price is 1.4628. Spread here the value 5 (.. 28 -.. 25 = 5).

Spread in each and every broker in value varies but is always worth it. The smaller spreads are better for customers. In Indonesia alone, the smallest spread is still owned by PT Asia Futures in AsiaFXOnline it. Only 5. Smallest compared to other legal broker.

Oh yes, there are terms in the forex called Bullish and Bearish. Bullish trend means a currency which is being strengthened against other currencies and vice versa ie Bearish trend of weakening a currency other than the exchange rate.

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